Solution Handle the click event of the row. But sometimes the row-item selected is off screen on the map, and USERS are asking for the the ability to "click" on a row and have the map window scroll to center on that item. Edit Open In Dojo () returns details if you select any row in the grid. Deselect Rows on Click | Kendo UI Grid for jQuery - Kendo UI for jQuery Now we are going to see how to fetch the selected row details from above grid. Row Selection - Grid - Kendo UI for Angular - Telerik Since you are using the link click event you need to first fetch all the record from kendoGrid dataSource and by checking the condition get the details from the selected row. I have a Kendo (2013.2.716) grid with an Edit command (the edit button is in the first column) and 40+ other columns. getting the click event in a kendo grid - Stack Overflow Press and hold Ctrl and click the specific row, or Press Ctrl & Enter on the desired rows (only when Keyboard Navigation is enabled). I can't use the inherent multiselect Kendo provides because it doesn't support drag and drop. The Problem I've been going through the KendoUI Web collection ( and I have to say it's a very nice set of tools. Edit Open In Dojo Since row select (and thus <TR onclick () > is being used I was considered using jQuery to add: $ ("#grid tr [data-uid]").dblclick ( function (e) {panTo (e)}); Adding On Row Click to the KendoUI Grid - CodeProject Select Checkbox Rows by Clicking Anywhere on the Row Environment Description How can I select rows with checkboxes by clicking anywhere on the row of the Grid? Angular Data Grid Inline Editing on Row Click The Grid provides options for editing its data inline when the user clicks a row. ASP.Net Core Razor Grid Selecting a row using a templated link - Telerik Kendo UI Grid highlight selected row - Stack Overflow Using a little jQuery to add the ability to handle the on row clicked of the KendoUI Grid Control. Check this example. Now please take its reference and correct your code. Kendo-grid Select Row Programatically using Angular - DecatechLabs It Defines a Boolean function that is executed for each data row in the component and it determines whether the row will be selected or not. Select or Deselect Items on Row Click in Grid - Telerik really does put out good products. rowSelected. Click Anywhere to Select Rows with Checkboxes | Kendo UI Grid for Selecting a row from a Kendo Grid programmatically Inline Editing on Row Click - Grid - Kendo UI for Angular - Telerik When I create a function after the dataBound event, my function gets called on clicking, but it's not the typical click event. The following example demonstrates how to deselect a row by clicking only, that is, without holding the Ctrl key. The row-click selection allows the selection of items on row click. The first approach uses the Kendo UI Grid API to select the row. Vue Grid Component & Selection - Kendo UI for Vue Docs & Demos - Telerik The checkbox selection enables the selection upon a checkbox click and implements a master checkbox in the header which selects and deselects all items. When the grid is populated, I can run my mouse down the Edit command column and each Edit button is highlighted in turn, and when I click on one, my editor comes up right away. To perform this first we need to enable data-selectable property and add the change event in kendo grid as in the following code, <div class="container" id="example"> <div class="row"> <div id="test-grid" data-role="grid" data-scrollable="true" data-editable="false" I do NOT have Selectable set for the Grid. Solution. Copy Code How can I implement a single-row selection on click and make the Grid enter the edit mode on a double click instead? To deselect a row or select multiple rows by row clicking and without holding the Ctrl key, use the following approach. When a row is selected a "k-state-selected" class is added to the row so you can add it programmatically. Get Selected Row Values From Kendo Grid On Change Event And the data item can be obtained via the API as well, simply pass the reference of . If the Grid is using frozen (locked) columns and multiple cell selection with string selector, the select method will select and return two table cell elements. select - API Reference - Kendo UI Grid - Kendo UI for jQuery - Solution When selection is enabled in the Grid component, the built-in option for deselecting a row or selecting multiple rows is Ctrl + click. I'm trying to get the click event for a Kendo Grid so I can bind stuff to shift and ctrl clicking. HTML In the event handler, programmatically click on the checkbox. Implement Single-Row Selection on Click in Batch Edit Grid . To leave only the current row selected and deselect all previously selected rows: Click a row within the Grid, or Press Enter to select the active row (only when Keyboard Navigation is enabled). Solution When you enable selection, the built-in option for deselecting a row is by using the Ctrl + click shortcut. Grid Methods select select Gets or sets the table rows (or cells) which are selected. Use the closeCell and editCell methods of the Grid on single or double click respectively. Open In Dojo we can make use of this kendo-grid api function to select row programatically. The Grid provides both checkbox and row-click selection options which can be applied to single or multiple records. And the last approach is to trigger the click event of the row which will select it. The default behavior of a Grid in batch edit mode is to become editable when a row is clicked. Kendo grid when create a new row, auto populate fields with values from existing row The Overflow Blog Introducing the Ask Wizard: Your guide to crafting high-quality questions Let's Look into telerik kendo-ui documentation , so we found out that we can use event exposed by kendo-grid api. Setup To implement the inline editing through a row click: Handle the cellClick event that contains references to both the index of the clicked row and the respective data item in its event data. Grid Row DoubleClick (or keypress) in Kendo UI for jQuery - Telerik Get Kendo Grid Clicked (Selected) Row values using jQuery - ASPSnippets